Offense Has Shifted Your Focus

Offense Has Shifted Your Focus

No matter what’s going on in your life, this message is going to find you well because God’s hand is on your life and prepping you for His purpose. And with that, I want to share a powerful truth with you that can change the way you view challenges and obstacles in your life. Simply put, we may all at some point find ourselves caught in the trap of offense and resentment, not realizing how these feelings can derail us from fulfilling God’s purpose in our lives. Like a fish lured by Satan’s bait, we think we're pursuing something beneficial, but in reality, we're getting trapped in a cycle of bitterness and revenge.

Now, watch out because discernment becomes crucial here, allowing us to see beyond the immediate lure and understand the long-term consequences of our choices. Yet, seeing the offense isn’t the end because an unaddressed offense is a dream-killer. It shifts our focus from our God-given assignments to our perceived enemies. Instead of pursuing our true calling, we become consumed with proving ourselves to others or seeking retribution. This is a massive distraction that prevents us from walking in our purpose and fulfilling our potential

Granted, offenses happen, and we’ll have to deal with them. However, what we perceive as a setback is a setup for a greater blessing. It's about perspective and understanding that not everyone adds equal value to our lives. We must learn to let go of relationships that hinder our growth and embrace those that uplift us. Most importantly, love and vulnerability go hand in hand. To love is to risk pain, but it's also to open ourselves to the greatest joys and fulfillment. Jesus exemplified this truth through His life and sacrifice, showing us that true love involves vulnerability and the willingness to be impacted by others.

So, I encourage you to examine your life. Are you being pulled by unaddressed offenses? Are you allowing pride to blind you to the hooks that may be holding you back? No matter what, it's time to confront these issues head-on, free yourself from the traps of resentment and bitterness, and step into the fullness of your purpose.

In closing, choose to live a life focused on your God-given assignments, not on the distractions of proving something to others or seeking revenge. Embrace the freedom that comes with forgiveness and the joy of walking in your true purpose. 

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