Join Me On This Journey

I love to help people discover and fulfill their purpose here on earth.

Shiro Muiruri is a multifaceted dynamic woman of God called for such a time as this to preach, teach and demonstrate the unadulterated word of God.

She is a prophetic worshiper who is passionate about the presence of God and has also been leading worship for over fifteen years. Her passion is to see Jesus lifted up and to also raise other worshipers.

Shiro desires to see individuals maximize their potential and leave their mark on this earth by letting the light that is in them shine and violently remove anything standing between them and their destiny, she desires to see individuals bring forth the destinies they have been carrying within them and thus has mentored hundreds of individuals on their purpose and destiny.

Shiro has written three best-selling books including it is Time To Manifest, For Worshipers Only, and 7 Easy Steps To Help You Write & Self-Publish Your Book

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Shiro Muiruri | Jesus Is Undefeated | Official Video