Exposing The Spirit Of Jezebel!
Exposing The Spirit Of Jezebel!
The spirit of Jezebel is a strong demonic spirit closely related to witchcraft and control, creating anxiety especially where Godly authority enters the picture. Often, when you are around this spirit, you’ll tend to feel disturbed, uneasy and frayed around the edges. Jezebel displays a great deal of pride, and tends to target leadership in order to derail it and render it ineffectual. This spirit wields great influence through deception—and all of us can be susceptible.
Since Scripture is the only reliable source for understanding spiritual bondage, we can search through it for insight into a particular spirit or distortion. As we explore both the Old and New Testaments to better understand the spiritual dynamic regarding ‘Jezebel,’ we find in 1 Kings 16:31-33 that Jezebel was the daughter of Ethbaal (meaning “with Baal,” meaning master or owner), a king of the Sidonians who served the false god Baal. The “spirit of Jezebel,” as we’ll be referring to it, gets its name from this woman, who was certainly not the only character to portray it, but was by far its most famous representative.
A. Jezebel Was the Daughter of Eth Baal, which Literally Means “with Baal”; “On the Side of Baal,” a False Deity.
B. It Seeks to Cut Off or Destroy the True Prophetic Voice to a People.
1. Since this spirit wants to silence true spiritual authority, it goes after leadership. (1 Kings 18:4)
a. Its ultimate desire is to come against the final spiritual authority in the church, which is the pastor.
b. Ultimately, it will have an adversarial role with the pastor.
C. Traits of Jezebel.
1. It’s a very intimidating spirit and will make you feel afraid and feel like you will come up wanting. It incites fear and the desire to run away; challenges your spirituality.
a. It can lead you to hopelessness and despair. (1 Kings 19:1-4) b. Depression makes you susceptible to being overwhelmed by the spirit of Jezebel.
2. It feels very spiritual.
3. It’s a coveting spirit. The spirit of Jezebel wants another’s place—their inheritance. It is ultimately self-seeking. (1 Kings 21)
a. The spirit of Jezebel will use its authority to get something for itself or to control the situation.
b. Jezebel is described as trying to start telling elders what to do. It will begin directing spiritual leadership; telling people what they ought to accomplish next.
4. It has a religious agenda.
a. The spirit of Jezebel is that it very often will use religious pretenses, religious formulas or religious exercises to do its dirty work.
b. There are many spirits that do this to you (the spirit of pride is another one), but when you are around the spirit of Jezebel you will always feel accused.
c. This spirit can either be very patronizing or the spirit of Jezebel says, “They’re disqualified because they aren’t spiritual enough.”
I) Operating in a marriage, a wife will convince a husband that because he has done a stupid thing, he can go away and she can handle it—she’ll pick up his responsibility (not always, but this could be this spirit).
ii) Beware of that statement as an ongoing thought in your life. It is extremely dangerous.
5. Regarding submission and authority. It accuses. (1 Kings 21:9-11)
a. This spirit can say you’re not submitted enough.
b. It can gauge spirituality by conformity; we have same gifts and we think the same. If you agree with it, then you’re submitted; if you don’t agree with it, then you’re rebellious.
c. It says there’s something wrong with you. “Not my problem, it’s your problem.”
d. Directs spiritual leaders in what they should do. (Vs. 21:8)
e. Uses flattery to seduce leaders—thwarting the purposes of God through others. (Revelation 2:20-24)
6. It wants to take another’s inheritance, place or authority.
7. Exercises authority over men. Acts as if she doesn’t have a husband—she overshadows her husband. (1 Timothy 2:12-15) In Greek, Jezebel means “false teacher” or over-bearing, nagging woman.
8. The strategy by the enemy is to infiltrate and gain trust of leaders. Tolerating Instead of Confronting can be Harmful. (Revelation 2:20-24)
1. Our usual reaction to the spirit is not to challenge it because it’s intimidating.
2. We allow it—keep it around.
DO NOT TOLERATE THIS SPIRIT!! FIGHT IT WITH EVERYTHING IN YOU!! Ask the Lord to give you the spirit of Jehu so that you can throw Jezebel and her cohorts down!